"And nothing else matters/ When I turn it up loud" - Pretty Girls Make Graves

09 December 2008


it has come to my attention that my wiggly escapades have somewhat dwindled, and according to the distress of my three year old cousin, Christopher, it is in dire need of getting kick started.

In my last few attempts I attacked some laptops (with the discretion of the owners)


my friends.

maybe its the cold whether
maybe its because I keep forgetting my wiggly eyes at home
or maybe...

yeah, that's probably it.

Regardless, I did not forget about it, and here's latest wiggly eyes that I cleverly (according to myself) added to my art project:

"losing more than your keys"

(inside the nest)

My little three year old cousin recently showed me how to spell police and snow. He also watches Dora and Diego and constantly screams "BACKPACK!!!" until we put it on. I leave you with this video, because I have a place in my heart for Sesame Street. It taught me the basics of what I need to know for college (numbers, alphabet, and how to make good friends and be nice to people) but they also have great artists on it. Yay for public television :)

enjoy your finals my friends

1-2-3-4-pythagorean theorem, decreasing the health disparities within communities of color, chi-square analysis, a-b-c

until the next wiggly


kim dam

16 November 2008


feelin' a bit wiggly eyed.


they're quiet cute, or rather they make anything cute once you put them on things.

while on the 51 on my way to campus

I just want to make people smile. to stop what they're doing and notice something.

(i'm really that lame.)

so i decided to put them on things. and so begins my escapades.

and just for kicks, this somewhat awkward picture of an overly sized cookie monster:

