"And nothing else matters/ When I turn it up loud" - Pretty Girls Make Graves

22 May 2010

Hello new world.

This blog used to be about my attempts to make people smile through sticking wiggly eyes onto random objects (See previous posts). Although the idea was great, the fact that self-adhesive wiggly eyes do not exist in Vietnam make it a tad difficult. It ain't so sneaky when you have a bottle of glue AND wiggly eyes to stick on. Plus it just doesn't work.

Now I will shift it into something I've always wanted to make but have yet to really have a good excuse to. I still don't have a good excuse, but whatever that's life. I wanted to have a recording of the music shows I go to. Plain and simple.

Music is a "big part of my life" as I usually waste hours lying around listening to it, as I've done since elementary school when I discovered the wonderful world of radio and tapes. I now live in Vietnam, and although shows here are few and sparse I still get a good amount in. Gaze on.

19 December 2009


one of my main inspirations for wiggly eyes stems from these sootballs. They are an integral part of many films produced from Ghibli Studios. Little helpful things that eat star sprinkles. How can I not love them?

I love these little guys. I love them so much that I have gone through several keychains of these sootballs and everytime I lose them a little part of me goes away.

They are from Ghibli Studios, the makers of Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service.

03 December 2009


is cute. and reminds me of my wiggly eyes.

01 December 2009

my christmas wish list

a pack of sticky wiggly eyes.

they look like this.

I forgot how funny this blog could be. In fact it even made me smile when I recall the somewhat awkward times I would bust out my wiggly eyes and ask people if I could stick it onto their laptops. Or when I would stick it on public places and try very discreetly to take pictures of it without looking stupid.

My last pair of wiggly eyes on my laptop was taken off by the English college student bandit who stole my laptop in Japan, but was later caught by Tokyo police since he left all his information at the hostel and was caught on film. haha sucker.

Anywho, until then I'll have to figure out other ways to make people smile.

25 November 2009


even show up on toasters. all the way from the east coast.

Mad sorries for the lack of wiggly escapades.

Lots happen in the last year. I forgot about this, and now I'm currently living in Vietnam.
Although my purchase of wiggly eyes in Hong Kong was suppose to revise this. I lost them somewhere on my way back.

09 December 2008


it has come to my attention that my wiggly escapades have somewhat dwindled, and according to the distress of my three year old cousin, Christopher, it is in dire need of getting kick started.

In my last few attempts I attacked some laptops (with the discretion of the owners)


my friends.

maybe its the cold whether
maybe its because I keep forgetting my wiggly eyes at home
or maybe...

yeah, that's probably it.

Regardless, I did not forget about it, and here's latest wiggly eyes that I cleverly (according to myself) added to my art project:

"losing more than your keys"

(inside the nest)

My little three year old cousin recently showed me how to spell police and snow. He also watches Dora and Diego and constantly screams "BACKPACK!!!" until we put it on. I leave you with this video, because I have a place in my heart for Sesame Street. It taught me the basics of what I need to know for college (numbers, alphabet, and how to make good friends and be nice to people) but they also have great artists on it. Yay for public television :)

enjoy your finals my friends

1-2-3-4-pythagorean theorem, decreasing the health disparities within communities of color, chi-square analysis, a-b-c

until the next wiggly


kim dam

16 November 2008


feelin' a bit wiggly eyed.

they're quiet cute, or rather they make anything cute once you put them on things.

while on the 51 on my way to campus

I just want to make people smile. to stop what they're doing and notice something.

(i'm really that lame.)

so i decided to put them on things. and so begins my escapades.

and just for kicks, this somewhat awkward picture of an overly sized cookie monster:

