"And nothing else matters/ When I turn it up loud" - Pretty Girls Make Graves

01 December 2009

my christmas wish list

a pack of sticky wiggly eyes.

they look like this.

I forgot how funny this blog could be. In fact it even made me smile when I recall the somewhat awkward times I would bust out my wiggly eyes and ask people if I could stick it onto their laptops. Or when I would stick it on public places and try very discreetly to take pictures of it without looking stupid.

My last pair of wiggly eyes on my laptop was taken off by the English college student bandit who stole my laptop in Japan, but was later caught by Tokyo police since he left all his information at the hostel and was caught on film. haha sucker.

Anywho, until then I'll have to figure out other ways to make people smile.

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